Thursday, March 30th 2023

TOPIC: The NGO Capture of the term “Decolonization”

Reviving the HIVE!

The Hive is Revived! After an extended break from flapping our wee wings, the bees are once again ready to pollinate! Register below to join our online zoom gatherings.  The Hive will gather on the third Thursday of each month at 1 pm EST for our global honey making happens.

What is the Hive?

The Hive is a monthly gathering of peacebuilders, activists, and change-makers to build resilience and solidarity across regions, issues, and movements.  It is a facilitated 1.5 hour zoom call (in person/hybrid convenings possible in the future) where participants share knowledge, skills, creative expression, art, music, stories and dialogue around a focused idea, topic, process, or exercise.  The space is hosted and facilitated by the Activate Labs team, with contributions and offerings from Hive participants and others.

Who is the Hive for?

The Hive might be for you if you are a peacebuilders, activists or change maker looking to connect with others, share experiences and grow through facilitated peer to peer coaching and mentoring. 

The Hive might be for you if you have a creative idea or a new approach to building peace through collective action you want to share, receive support on or even co-design with others. 

The Hive might be for you if you have been tired, defeated, lonely, weary, or burnt out, if you want a safe space to be heard, seen, and included, then the Hive might be for you.   

The Hive might be for you if you long for inspiration and connecting to all the parts of yourself through creative expression, art, story, music, co-design, co-learning etc.  

Who is the Hive not for?

If you are an actual bee or bear, we are sorry, we are using the word “HIVE” as a metaphor – as in a place where different people bring themselves, their experiences, skills, knowledge, ideas etc. so that together we can co-create something good …. Like honey.  Sorry if there is any confusion.