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Activate Labs partners with social movements, frontline communities, & peacebuilders to build people power, change narratives, & shift culture.

Using creative & innovative methodology, we convene & facilitate spaces that activate collective action, build solidarity, & foster resilience.

working at the crossroads of movements, justice, & peacebuilding, on issues such as violent conflict & belonging, cultural healing, storytelling, climate & gender justice, human rights, Indigenous peoples’ rights, & more.

Together we are co-creating shared futures.


If the culture of violence is well-resourced, interconnected, strategic, & organized by design…

Then, our people-powered movements who build a culture of peace and justice must also be resourced, interconnected, strategic, & organized by design.

How we do this…



convene collaborative spaces, facilitating meetings & workshops & fostering creative co-learning that sparks collective action.


connecting, training, and leading participatory co-design for campaigns & critical infrastructure support that shift power & culture.


co-designing campaigns & narratives that build peace, fight for justice, & radically reimagine shared futures.